Who am I

Hi there, Thanks for dropping by. My name is Saurabh and I seek to connect with you through my words and works, both poetic and textual. At the time of writing this, I work in a consulting role in a global firm in Bengaluru, India. I often contemplate about life\’s purpose and through this blog, I look forward to understanding the meaning of life through my daily sharing and contemplations. So look forward to interacting more with you through my texts. Feel free to reach back to me through any of the comments section on respective posts or you may write directly to me at bookfullness[at]gmail.com

The mindful section of the website is a space where we will try to find simple solutions to complex problems of life. Be it stress, challenging relationships, or low motivation levels mindfulness has got a solution for each one of us. As simple and obvious it may look in its face, it is efficient enough to help us declutter our mind and live a peaceful and happy life. Most of the content on this section is inspired by the teachings of Buddha(and current day Buddhist monks like ve Thich Nhat Hanh, Ajahn Brahm, and many more).

You will find a lot of content here on Mindfulness, compassionate living, and related subjects. Who am I? I would prefer to call myself loveful soul. I am a fellow passenger on this journey of life who wants to share love and compassion with as many people in this world as possible. This blog serves a medium in this pursuit. Mindfulness and meditation have always been subjects dear to my heart and that is the reason I chose to name this section as TheMindful.

I have personally spent the last 10+ years of my life exploring various forms of meditation trying to improve my mental and spiritual well-being. I feel this life to be like a great fun trip. And I now want to share my experiences and learnings with my fellow passengers on this beautiful journey called life. Source of learning Having spent a few months of my life in a monastic setup, I now continue to walk the chosen middle path practicing the principles I have learned from different experiences. It was a long-sought dream of mine to explore the wilderness of the inner realms and that is what motivates me to continue moving forward in life. I practice various forms of meditation and read through a variety of spiritual texts. I call this journey as my quest for soul search. It is my objective to connect with one and all and share the spiritual learnings and their applications which have helped me live a calm, peaceful, and content life over the last few years. And I strongly believe it will also help you in your chosen path.

(Please subscribe to the blog feed to get regular updates about any new posts.) Thanks. Have a great day ahead!

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