Guided Sleep Meditation for a happy life

In the following Guided Sleep meditation post we will guide you step by step to get into a peaceful state of mind and practice sound sleep Meditation

Preparing for Guided Sleep Meditation

  • Create a Relaxing Environment: The environment makes a lot of difference in everything we do. Creating a camp, peaceful and serene environment is important for having a good session of sleep meditation. Choose it as per your personal liking but make sure the environment relaxes your mind. It may be through tealight candles, soothing background music or anything else.
  • Wear Comfortable Clothing:  Wearing something in which you feel natural and at ease is important as well. Do not wear too tight or too decorative clothes that may cause unease while you lie down. Simple loose cotton clothes are what work best.
  • Turn Off Electronic Devices: Electronics devices and the electromagnetic waves associated with them often interfere with the mind and resists it from relaxing. Try to keep all the electronic devices out of your room where you practice the Sleep Meditation
  • Choose a Guided Sleep Meditation: Choose a meditation music or guided meditation track of your choice
  • Set an Intention for Sleep:  Intention setting is of utmost importance in almost anything and everything. Give a command to your mind that for the next 30 minutes or so i am getting into a state of deep silence. This is my me-time and i will make the best out of this time.

Practice Now!

  • Lie down in a comfortable position with your legs hip-width apart. Your arms might be at your sides or on your tummy. Begin by paying attention to your breathing and the physical movement that occurs as you inhale and exhale. You can also concentrate on the sensation of air entering and exiting your nose and mouth. It is normal to have a lot of thoughts throughout this practice. After acknowledging them, return your attention to your breathing. Whether you are struggling, irritated, or afraid, be kind with yourself. Any distracting thoughts should be labelled, and you should regularly return to your breath.
  • Then, beginning with your feet, pay attention to the real emotions in your body. Let any tension to release as you bring your attention up your legs, through your pelvis, belly, and chest. Then, pay attention to your hands, lower arms, neck, and face. Slowly relax any tension in those areas. Finally, have a wide awareness of your body’s physical experiences.
  • If you’re still conscious, return your attention to your breathing. Count your breaths, beginning at one after reaching ten, to help you focus. If counting is a distraction, simply focus on your breathing. As you become distracted, constantly return your attention to your breathing. If you lose count, begin over with the last number you recall.
  • Continue in this manner for as long as you desire. Set a timer for a specific period of time or simply allow yourself to meditate until you are ready to stop. Remember to be patient and kind to yourself during the process. It’s natural to have distracted ideas, and cultivating a concentrated mind requires time and effort.
  • As you conclude your meditation, take a moment to notice how you feel. You could feel more relaxed and concentrated, or more clear and tranquil. Whatever you’re feeling, try to carry it with you as you go about your day.
  • Remember that you may conduct this practice whenever and anywhere you choose. Focusing on your breath and physical sensations in your body may help you feel more grounded and focused if you’re feeling nervous or overwhelmed. You may find that with regular practice, you may easily enter this level of calm and clarity, even in the midst of a busy or tough day.


Why practice Guided Sleep Meditation?

  1. Improved sleep quality: Sleeping mindfully can help you improve you sleep quality. Overall well being of human life revolves around three key parameters. What you Eat? How much you move? and What is the quality of your sleep? While I am sure you must be doing great for the Eat and Move part of it, Guided Sleep Meditations can surely help you a lot in improving the quality of you sleep
  2. Decreased stress: Guided sleep meditation can help reduce tension and anxiety by concentrating on the present moment and letting go of distracting ideas.
  3. Better mood: Studies have shown that regular practise of guided sleep meditation improves mood and increases emotions of happiness and satisfaction.
  4. Guided sleep meditation can help develop self-awareness and mindfulness by helping you to focus on your thoughts and feelings in a non-judgmental manner.
  5. Improved attention and concentration: Meditation can help you increase your ability to focus and concentrate on activities, which can help you be more productive.
  6. Increased immune function: Research has shown that regular meditation can enhance the immune system, lowering the risk of sickness and boosting general health.
  7. Pain relief: Guided sleep meditation can help relieve pain and suffering by fostering relaxation and lowering bodily tension.
  8. Increased cardiovascular health: Meditation on a regular basis can help lower blood pressure, regulate heart rate, and enhance overall cardiovascular health.
  9. Improved creativity: Guided sleep meditation can help enhance creativity and stimulate new ideas by quieting the mind and focusing on the present moment.
  10. Improved physical, mental, and emotional well-being: The advantages of guided sleep meditation, such as better sleep, reduced stress, and enhanced self-awareness, can contribute to an overall improvement in your physical, mental, and emotional well-being.

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