The art of overcoming fear

Understanding andcontrolling our emotions and thoughts is a way that enables us to confront our fears and act in spite of them is part of the art of overcoming fear.

Ajahn Lee’s Realization

This is a story from Ajahn lee’s autobiography where he’s a young monk staying in a forest and the villagers nearby come to warn him that there is an elephant in a rut. It’s been running around stabbing people with its tusks. They tell him he should get out of the forest if he wants to be safe but he decides to stay on.

One afternoon he’s meditating sitting under a tree and the elephant shows up with his ears back looking ferocious. Ajahn lee’s first thought when he sees the elephant is that in just a few seconds he could be on me and before he knows it he’s trying to climb a tree. Just as he grabs hold of the tree a voice inside him says you’re afraid to die. Those who are afraid to die will die many deaths

So he gets back in his position and started meditating and staring at the elephant and spreading lots of goodwill. The elephant stares at him for a while and then lowers his ears and walks away

Few strategies that can help in mastering the Art of Overcoming Fear

Identify your fears

Start by acknowledging what you are afraid of. This can be a difficult step, but it’s essential to overcome your fears.

Challenge your thoughts

Ask yourself, “Is this fear rational?” Often, we create stories in our minds that are far from reality. Challenge these thoughts by asking questions like, “What evidence do I have to support this fear?”

Learn to control your breath

When we’re scared, our breath becomes shallow and quick. By learning to control our breath, we can calm our mind and body and reduce feelings of anxiety.

Practice gradual exposure

Start by facing your fear in small increments, and slowly increase your exposure over time. This gradual exposure can help you build confidence and reduce feelings of anxiety.

Seek support

Talk to someone you trust, like a friend, family member, or therapist. They can offer guidance and support as you work to overcome your fears.



  1. Continue with whatever precautions the situation demands.
  2. But do not live in fear. Don’t even try to spread fear.
  3. Be at peace with the situation and wait while working on whatever best could be done in leaps and bounds of the new normal.
  4. And eventually, like everything else, This too shall pass


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